Все параметры phpThumb

Все параметры phpThumb на русском языке, частичный перевод

Родное описание модуля php — phpThumb, частично переведённое на русский язык.

src = имя файла исходного изображения

new = создать новую картинку, не миниатюру из существующего изображения. Требует набор параметров "w" и "h".

[ex: &new=FF0000|75] - red background, 75% opacity Set to hex color string of background. Opacity is optional (defaults to 100% opaque).

zc = Увеличение с отсечением лишнего (zoom-crop). Will auto-crop off the larger dimension so that the image will fill the smaller dimension (requires both "w" and "h", overrides "iar", "far") Set to "1" or "C" to zoom-crop towards the center, or set to "T", "B", "L", "R", "TL", "TR", "BL", "BR" to gravitate towards top/left/bottom/right directions (requies ImageMagick for values other than "C" or "1")

aoe = Разрешить расширение вывода (Allow Output Enlarging) - override the setting for

$CONFIG['output_allow_enlarging'] (1=on, 0=off) ("far" and "iar" both override this and allow output larger than input)

iar = Игнорировать пропорции(Ignore Aspect Ratio) - отключить пропорциональное изменение размеров и растянуть изображение, чтобы соответствовать "h" & "w" (which must both be set). (1=on, 0=off) (overrides "far")

far = Принудительно задать пропорции (Force Aspect Ratio) - изображение будет создано размера указанного "w" and "h" (which must both be set). Выравнивание: L=left,R=right,T=top,B=bottom,C=center BL,BR,TL,TR use the appropriate direction if the image is landscape or portrait.

w = максимальная ширина выходной миниатюры в пикселях

h = максимальная высота выходной миниатюры в пикселях

wp = максимальная ширина для портретных изображений

hp = максимальная высота для портретных изображений

wl = максимальная ширина для пейзажных изображений

hl = максимальная высота для пейзажных изображений

ws = максимальная ширина для квадратных изображений

hs = максимальная высота для квадратных изображений

f = output image format ("jpeg", "png", or "gif")

q = JPEG compression (1=worst, 95=best, 75=default)

sx = left side of source rectangle (default = 0) (values 0 < sx < 1 represent percentage)

sy = top side of source rectangle (default = 0) (values 0 < sy < 1 represent percentage)

sw = width of source rectangle (default = fullwidth) (values 0 < sw < 1 represent percentage)

sh = height of source rectangle (default = fullheight) (values 0 < sh < 1 represent percentage)

bg = цвет фона в hex (default = FFFFFF)

bc = цвет границы hex (default = 000000)

fltr = система фильтров. Вызывать в виде массива следующим образом:

- "brit" (яркость) [ex: &fltr[]=brit|<value>] where <value> is the amount +/- to adjust brightness (range -255 to 255) Availble in PHP5 with bundled GD only.

- "cont" (контраст) [ex: &fltr[]=cont|<value>] where <value> is the amount +/- to adjust contrast (range -255 to 255) Availble in PHP5 with bundled GD only.

- "gam" (гамма-коррекция) [ex: &fltr[]=gam|<value>] where <value> can be a number 0.01 to 10 (default 1.0) Must be >0 (zero gives no effect). There is no max, although beyond 10 is pretty useless. Negative numbers actually do something, maybe not quite the desired effect, but interesting nonetheless.

- "sat" (SATuration - насыщенность цвета) [ex: &fltr[]=sat|<value>] where <value> is a number between zero (no change)

and -100 (complete desaturation = grayscale), or it can be any positive number for increased saturation.

- "ds" (обесцветить) [ex: &fltr[]=ds|<value>] is an alias for "sat" except values are inverted (positive values remove color, negative values boost saturation)

- "gray" (оттенки серого) [ex: &fltr[]=gray] remove all color from image, make it grayscale

- "th" (Threshold) [ex: &fltr[]=th|<value>] makes image greyscale, then sets all pixels brighter than <value> (range 0-255) to white, and all pixels darker than <value> to black

- "rcd" (уменьшить глубину цвета) [ex: &fltr[]=rcd|<c>|<d>] where <c> is the number of colors (2-256) you want in the output image, and <d> is "1" for dithering (deault) or "0" for no dithering

- "clr" (раскрасить) [ex: &fltr[]=clr|<value>|<color>] where <value> is a number between 0 and 100 for the amount of colorization, and <color> is the hex color to colorize to.

- "sep" (сепия) [ex: &fltr[]=sep|<value>|<color>] where <value> is a number between 0 and 100 for the

amount of colorization (default=50), and <color> is

the hex color to colorize to (default=A28065). Note: this behaves differently when applied by ImageMagick, in which case 80 is default, and lower values give brighter/yellower images and higher values give darker/bluer images

- "usm" (UnSharpMask) [ex: &fltr[]=usm|<a>|<r>|<t>]

where <a> is the amount (default = 80, range 0-255),

<r> is the radius (default = 0.5, range 0.0-10.0),

<t> is the threshold (default = 3, range 0-50).

- "blur" (Blur) [ex: &fltr[]=blur|<radius>]

where (0 < <radius> < 25) (default = 1)

- "gblr" (Гауссовское размытие) [ex: &fltr[]=gblr] Availble in PHP5 with bundled GD only.

- "sblr" (выборочное размытие) [ex: &fltr[]=gblr] Availble in PHP5 with bundled GD only.

- "smth" (сглаживание) [ex: &fltr[]=smth|<value>] where <value> is the weighting value for the matrix (range -10 to 10, default 6) Availble in PHP5 with bundled GD only. - "lvl" (Уровни)

[ex: &fltr[]=lvl|<channel>|<method>|<threshold> where <channel> can be one of 'r', 'g', 'b', 'a' (for Red, Green, Blue, Alpha respectively), or '*' for all RGB channels (default) based on grayscale average. ImageMagick methods can support multiple channels (eg "lvl|rg|3") but internal methods cannot (they will use first character of channel string as channel) <method> can be one of:

0=Internal RGB;

1=Internal Grayscale;

2=ImageMagick Contrast-Stretch (default)

3=ImageMagick Normalize (may appear over-saturated) <threshold> is how much of brightest/darkest pixels

will be clipped in percent (default = 0.1%)

Using default parameters (&fltr[]=lvl) is similar to Auto Contrast in Adobe Photoshop.

- "wb" (баланс белого) [ex: &fltr[]=wb|<c>] where <c> is the target hex color to white balance on, this color is what "should be" white, or light gray. The filter attempts to maintain brightness so any gray color can theoretically be used. If <c> is omitted the filter guesses based on brightest pixels in each of RGB OR <c> can be the percent of white clipping used

to calculate auto-white-balance (default = 0.1%) NOTE: "wb" in default settings already gives an effect similar to "lvl", there is usually no need to use "lvl" if "wb" is already used. - "hist" (Histogram)

[ex: &fltr[]=hist|<b>|<c>|<w>|<h>|<a>|<o>|<x>|<y>] Where <b> is the color band(s) to display, from back to front (one or more of "rgba*" for Red Green Blue Alpha and Grayscale respectively); <c> is a semicolon-seperated list of hex colors to use for each graph band (defaults to FF0000, 00FF00, 0000FF, 999999, FFFFFF respectively); <w> and <h> are the width and height of the overlaid

histogram in pixels, or if <= 1 then percentage of source image width/height; <a> is the alignment (same as for "wmi" and "wmt"); <o> is opacity from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque) (requires PHP v4.3.2, otherwise 100% opaque); <x> and <y> are the edge margin in pixels (or percent if 0 < (x|y) < 1) - "over" (OVERlay/underlay image) overlays an image on the thumbnail, or overlays the thumbnail on another image (to create a picture frame for example)

[ex: &fltr[]=over|<i>|<u>|<m>|<o>] where <i> is the image filename; <u> is "0" (default) for overlay the image on top of the thumbnail or "1" for overlay the thumbnail on top of the image; <m> is the margin - can be absolute pixels, or if < 1 is a percentage of the thumbnail size [must be < 0.5] (default is 0 for overlay and 10% for underlay);

<o> is opacity (0 = transparent, 100 = opaque) (requires PHP v4.3.2, otherwise 100% opaque); (thanks raynerapeШgmail*com, shabazz3Шmsu*edu) - "wmi" (изображение, водяной знак)

[ex: &fltr[]=wmi|<f>|<a>|<o>|<x>|<y>|<r>] where <f> is the filename of the image to overlay; <a> is the alignment (one of BR, BL, TR, TL, C,

R, L, T, B, *) where B=bottom, T=top, L=left,

R=right, C=centre, *=tile) *or* an absolute position in pixels (from top-left corner of canvas to top-left corner of overlay) in format {xoffset}x{yoffset} (eg: "10x20") note: this is center position of image if <x> and <y> are set <o> is opacity from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque) (requires PHP v4.3.2, otherwise 100% opaque); <x> and <y> are the edge (and inter-tile) margin in pixels (or percent if 0 < (x|y) < 1) *or* if <a> is absolute-position format then <x> and <y> represent maximum width and height that the watermark image will be scaled to fit inside <r> is rotation angle of overlaid watermark - "wmt" (WaterMarkText)

[ex: &fltr[]=wmt|<t>|<s>|<a>|<c>|<f>|<o>|<m>|<n>|<b>|<O>|<x>] where: <t> is the text to use as a watermark; URLencoded Unicode HTMLentities must be used for characters beyond chr(127). For example, the "eighth note" character (U+266A) is represented as "&#9834;" and then urlencoded to "%26%239834%3B" Any instance of metacharacters will be replaced with their calculated value. Currently supported:

^Fb = source image filesize in bytes

^Fk = source image filesize in kilobytes

^Fm = source image filesize in megabytes

^X = source image width in pixels

^Y = source image height in pixels

^x = thumbnail width in pixels

^y = thumbnail height in pixels

^^ = the character ^ <s> is the font size (1-5 for built-in font, or point size for TrueType fonts); <a> is the alignment (one of BR, BL, TR, TL, C, R, L,

T, B, * where B=bottom, T=top, L=left, R=right,

C=centre, *=tile); note: * does not work for built-in font "wmt" *or* an absolute position in pixels (from top-left corner of canvas to top-left corner of overlay) in format {xoffset}x{yoffset} (eg: "10x20") <c> is the hex color of the text; <f> is the filename of the TTF file (optional, if omitted a built-in font will be used); <o> is opacity from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque) (requires PHP v4.3.2, otherwise 100% opaque); <m> is the edge (and inter-tile) margin in percent; <n> is the angle <b> is the hex color of the background; <O> is background opacity from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque) (requires PHP v4.3.2, otherwise 100% opaque); <x> is the direction(s) in which the background is extended (either 'x' or 'y' (or both, but both will obscure entire image)) Note: works with TTF fonts only, not built-in

- "flip" [ex: &fltr[]=flip|x or &fltr[]=flip|y] flip image on X or Y axis

- "ric" [ex: &fltr[]=ric|<x>|<y>] rounds off the corners of the image (to transparent for PNG output), where <x> is the horizontal radius of the curve and <y> is the vertical radius

- "elip" [ex: &fltr[]=elip] similar to rounded corners but more extreme

- "mask" [ex: &fltr[]=mask|filename.png|<i>] greyscale values of mask are applied as the alpha channel to the main image. White is opaque, black is transparent, unless the <i> (invert) parameter is set to 1 in which case black is opaque and white is transparent

- "bvl" (BeVeL) [ex: &fltr[]=bvl|<w>|<c1>|<c2>] where <w> is the bevel width, <c1> is the hex color for the top and left shading, <c2> is the hex color for the bottom and right shading

- "bord" (BORDer) [ex: &fltr[]=bord|<w>|<rx>|<ry>|<c> where <w> is the width in pixels, <rx> and <ry> are horizontal and vertical radii for rounded corners, and <c> is the hex color of the border - "fram" (FRAMe) draws a frame, similar to "bord" but more configurable

[ex: &fltr[]=fram|<w1>|<w2>|<c1>|<c2>|<c3>] where <w1> is the width of the main border, <w2> is the width of each side of the bevel part, <c1> is the hex color of the main border, <c2> is the highlight bevel color, <c3> is the shadow bevel color - "drop" (DROP shadow)

[ex: &fltr[]=drop|<d>|<w>|<clr>|<a>|<o>] where <d> is distance from image to shadow, <w> is width of shadow fade (not yet implemented), <clr> is the hex color of the shadow, <a> is the angle of the

shadow (default=225), <o> is opacity (0=transparent,

100=opaque, default=100) (not yet implemented) - "crop" (обрезать)

[ex: &fltr[]=crop|<l>|<r>|<t>|<b>] where <l> is the number of pixels to crop from the left side of the resized image; <r>, <t>, <b> are for right, top and bottom respectively. Where (0 < x < 1) the value will be used as a percentage of width/height. Left and top crops take precedence over right and bottom values. Cropping will be limited such that at least 1 pixel of width and height always remains. - "rot" (повернуть)

[ex: &fltr[]=rot|<a>|<b>] where <a> is the rotation angle in degrees; <b> is the background hex color. Similar to regular "ra" parameter but is applied in filter order after regular processing so you can rotate output of other filters. - "size" (изменить размер)

[ex: &fltr[]=size|<x>|<y>|<s>] where <x> is the horizontal dimension in pixels, <y> is the vertical dimension in pixels, <s> is boolean whether to stretch (if 1) or resize proportionately (0, default) <x> and <y> will be interpreted as percentage of current output image size if values are (0 < X < 1) NOTE: do NOT use this filter unless absolutely neccesary. It is only provided for cases where other filters need to have absolute positioning based on source image and the resultant image should be resized after other filters are applied. This filter is less efficient than the standard resizing procedures. - "stc" (Source Transparent Color)

[ex: &fltr[]=stc|<c>|<n>|<x>] where <c> is the hex color of the target color to be made transparent; <n> is the minimum threshold in percent (all pixels within <n>% of the target color will be 100%

transparent, default <n>=5); <x> is the maximum threshold in percent (all pixels more than <x>% from the target

color will be 100% opaque, default <x>=10); pixels between the two thresholds will be partially transparent.

md5s = MD5 хэш исходного изображения - if this parameter is passed with the hash of the source image then the source image is not checked for existance or modification and the cached file is used (if available). If 'md5s' is passed an empty string then phpThumb.php dies and outputs the correct MD5 hash value. This parameter is the single-file equivalent of 'cache_source_filemtime_ignore_*' configuration paramters

xto = Использовать только миниатюры EXIF - установка только извлекать EXIF миниатюры, и не делать какой-либо дополнительной обработки

ra = Поворот на угол: угол поворота в градусах

положительное = против часовой стрелки, отрицательное = по часовой стрелке

ar = Авто поворот: set to "x" использовать EXIF ориентацию сохранённую камерой. Can also be set to "l" or "L" for landscape, or "p" or "P" for portrait. "l" and "P" rotate the image clockwise, "L" and "p" rotate the image counter-clockwise.

sfn = Номер кадра источника (Source Frame Number) - use this frame/page number for multi-frame/multi-page source images (GIF, TIFF, etc)

dpi = Точек на дюйм (Dots Per Inch) - input DPI setting when importing from vector image format such as PDF, WMF, etc

sia = Сохранить как (Save Image As) - default filename to save generated image as. Specify the base filename, the extension (eg: ".png") will be automatically added

maxb = MAXimum Byte size - output quality is auto-set to fit thumbnail into "maxb" bytes (compression quality is adjusted for JPEG, bit depth is adjusted for PNG and GIF)

down = filename to save image to. If this is set the browser will prompt to save to this filename rather than display the image